Our officially wedding card invitation is finally here!
Suka sebab sangat simple. Yes, both of our cards are simple yet we really like it! (minus the things we rather not to speak) other than that, it's perfect. The feelings seeing both our names printed on the card is speechless! Macam exaggerate gila kan :p Thanks Galerikadkahwin!
Next, do the name list! Dear friends, look out for this ya!
mok tak hntr kat aku, aku bakar kenari mok
tahniah...pastikan ai pon dpt..kalau tak, wa..aku join ko hahah
i still remember that feeling... mmg speechless tp rase best sbb ko je tau gedik dlm hati tu camne... dh g la senza or anywhere la... yg itu pon best gak...
wawa + pya! hahahaha.. kalu i da anta kad u all plak xdtg..tau kan apa padahnye?? MYVI dan KANCIL tu akan i bakar secara serentak!!
nana: jom shopping lingerie!
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