July 26, 2008

no specific title for this entry

da lame xmngarot kt cni.. my life has changed now! my day is much longer than before.. started to like the two classes n still trying to fit into the other class... the idea of combining the class with the final sem students is so unacceptable! surprisingly the library is now becoming my favourite place.omg! i need a cupcake! btw prof bib rocks! what a kewl lecturer.

i'm missing few people.. my dude, my fwens, saiko ira, lydia, wawa... lame xjumpe dieorg:(

honestly aku sgt amazed ngan library br uitm ni.. aku rase cm aman je peg ctu! huhu.. n of kos library ni xspooky cm kt uitm sek2 tu ok! me spending time with the other 2 saikos n not taking a pict is a big no no! mari peg library kawan2!

read everyone! and u'll be well read.
til next entry.i'm moving to another hectic week:( wish me luck!