December 28, 2010

New semester, here I come!

Apa korang ingat semester nak start korang je sibuk beli stationary?

ada apa2 yang tertinggal lagi tak? nak pegi beli ni. Heeee!!

p/s: promise to be more well organized this coming new year!

Apa2 lah

Susah sikit skrg nak prepare hal2 kawin. Lagi 3bln beberape hari. GILA! 3BLN?? *jantung kencang* Ibu shopping kt sane, aku 'shopping' dari sini. Hari ni je 5 kali Ibu call. Ok tak bunga yang mcm ni, ok tak kalu tambah kaler ni, kalau tuka bunga ok ke. Aduh2. Kesian Ibu, tapi nasib baik ada kawan2 dia yang suka nak bsusah sama2. Nanti ye Ibu, next month adik balik lagi. Next Monday kelas da start, nak balik2 selalu mungkin susah. balik pon ada hari sabtu je boleh peg sana sini, WHICH tak cukop masa tu. Nak amek cuti, nanti leceh nak ganti kelas (past yang aku plg malas) Ya Allah, mintak semuanya ok. Amin=) Mari nak share pelamin (bukan aku pny)

Love the color and simplicity (bukan siti)

love the color

color yang garang-suke!


ade wings!! terbangggg~~~

MashaAllah! Cantik kan?

saya tak dapat pelamin2 yang mcm ni,
tapi saya yakin pelamin saya akan jadi yang terbaik juga=)

December 26, 2010

Check Check

1. Paper lanterns - belom beli

2. Polka dot ribbons - da beli, da start buat=)

3. Kursus kawen - done!

4. Booking makeup - deposit done!

5. Pelamin + baju - pelamin in progress, baju bln depan

6. photographer + videographer - Photog da bayar deposit! videograp maybe tade=(

7. Kad kawen - da siap design, nk alter

8. doorgift - in good progress (VIP, ALL, KIDS)

9. Guestbook table - 40% flowers, frame done

10. Brg hantaran - 2 belom beli, dude lagi 1

11. Deco hantaran - 0%

12. Bunga rozet- Family done; AJK done

So far, Alhamdulilah=)


Honestly I never had one before. Never seriously bother to have one. But this time, after what I have been through plus the thing I want to get through this coming April *wink*, I decide to have my new year resolutions. Insyallah, 2011 will be a different year for me, different than the past 26 years. Insyallah I will be a wife to my dearest Saiful. So here are my resolutions and I will do this, dengan izin Allah.

1. On serious diet - will NOT eat fastfood, oily creamy cheesy fluffy cheesy creamy oily creamy...
2. Work seriously+honestly+enthusiastically
3. Be organized, really well organized
4. Drink lots and lots of plain water5. Baca Quran more often
6. Sembahyang sunat
7. Turun berat badan <60
8. Jangan marah2
9. Taknak buruk sangka dengan orang
10. Be a better person altogether.

=)credit: ira

Sgt syg org duduk sebelah saya tu.

Kursus Kahwin Masjid Negeri Pulau Pinang

Alhamdulilah, dah pergi kursus kahwin 2 hari. Seronok? Pergi bukan utk berseronok ye, pergi untuk menambah ilmu (huhu) dgn sijil! Ada 8 modul, rasanye mane2 pon sama kot modul ni; Akidah & Ibadah, Akhlak & Hubungan Keluarga, Perkahwinan & Prosedur, Pengurusan Kesihatan, Pengurusan masa & wang, Komunikasi suami isteri, Pengurusan stress & konflik, Rundingcara Jabatan Agama Islam & Pembubaran Perkahwinan. Pengurusan Kesihatan je takde, sbb takde Doktor yg free nak dtg bg talk. Semua penceramah lelaki, sorang je boring yang lain klaka & klaka sikit. Hehe. Alhamdulilah, tau la sikit/byk sikit pasal kahwin ni. Bahagian prosedur xbleh nak ikot sgt, sbb lain negeri lain. Aku nikah kat Selangor so kene ikot prosedur sana. Overall, ok lah kursus tu. Aku sorang2 je, mkn sorang, tak bbual dgn sape pon. Huhu. Ye, dude ada tapi tak kan nak bekepit kemane2 be2 dlm masjid tu. Ish!

Next, proceed dgn borang kahwin dgn HIV test pastu tnggu je smpai akad nikah=) Insyallah.

p/s: makan tak sedap >.<

December 25, 2010


Jom pakai mcm Hana Tajima. Ngeee~!


Random # 182

saya baru menikmati nasi dalca tepi jln blk lorong kedai. Sedap! saya suke dr ns kndar beratoq
Terima kasih awak bawak org makan=)

Merry Christmas!

Dude saya ^_^

Hari ni pegi kursus kahwin, esok last day. Nanti update pasal ni.

December 21, 2010

Random # 181

akibat gagal dapat vase kecil kat kedai2 borong, teros beli ini ramai2 dgn ibu last sat @ ikea=)

ini konon cube2 menghias bunga. Itu pot pink polka dot da beli 2-3bln lepas tp biase la aku beli sbb comel, nk buat pe pikir kemudian. Ha tgk sudah dpt idea! Huhu. Mau DIY kan? mari!Bahan2: Span ijau (ssf) RM1.00; pot kecil (JJ) RM10/5pcs; bunga2 manes (ssf) RM10/6pcs
sejak tau kt mane ssf kt penang ni, carik alasan je nk pegi hari2 :P


30 minutes later



hancor span ijau tu aku kejekan. heh!
saye suke ^_^
nak buat 4 ketol lagi mcmni. nak letak mane? rahhhhhhsie!

OMG! da lame xcamwhore! dulu slalu dgn iragemok, skang sorang2. ala dulu pon ade je camwhore sorang2. tips: pndang atas, ke sisi sket! hahahahahahhahaa!

gamba geli2 #1

gamba geli2 #2

gamba geli2 #3 next entry ye

December 19, 2010

Hello, it's me again.


dude, can we do this in our toilet, i mean, later?

YA ALLAH, this is so true!!!

Lately, I feel all giddy inside ^_^

ok, bye

I can't think straight.

Lately, byk sgt benda dalam kepala. You name it. Most of the things-the wedding. There is a big serious issue need to take care of. But the prob is, I'm not sure whether I, we can take care of it. To be exact, to handle it. One minute I do feel we can, another minute, no way we can't! It keeps on and on for 1-2months now. But, I know there's no way to turning back now so the best thing to do is, proceed and make sure it is the best. Amin..amin.

Tiba2 nak try harem pants.

December 14, 2010

Photographer terbaek please

Byk da tgk photog websites dan penat drooling here n there. Semua cantik. Here are some of my favourite=)

Semua cantik=) semua suka=)
skrg, mari kite suit dgn budget ye.

December 13, 2010

Haha kami tengok!


hahaha!! bkn nak poyo la kan, tp kteorg xbrape nk tgk cite melayu ni akibat kekecewaan menonton beberape filem melayu yg sgt gagal! but this one, not bad at all! klaka la(semua org, 2010) wpon ade 1-2scene yg mcm xyah buat lagi best. bdk sbelah aku (bkn dude) asal tekejot je nk melompat, asal tekejot je nk melompat! ringan je siku aku.haish! ok next cite melayu nk tgk?

December 12, 2010


bloghopping sana sini jumpe b2b dr penang. punyala sakan die bercerite shopping kt ssf penang. SSF PENANG? start keta teros peg carik! Huhu! siap google maps dan akibat tak leh print aku siap lukes map itu. gigih i know. dengan hebat dan bergayanye jumpe! Aku tuju name jln je, tgk mane jmbatan mane roundabout then jumpe ^_^ ada sales katenye, tp barang aku amek tade diskaun pun. besar ssf sini, mcm lg besar dr sg buloh. sgtla suke bunga2 kt situ, gerbera, tulips, roses... tp harga ssf biasela, dkt 10x pikir nk beli ke tak. sekuntum gerbera rm8.90 (saje) kalu nk beli 40 = rm356. gulp! tapi alahai manesnye gerbera itu...

source: google

nnt mau tny ibu dulu. teka ape aku jumpe lagi? POLKA DOT RIBBONS! ssf sg.buloh tade ribbon ni ok! tatau la time aku peg tade stock ke, org lain da borong bratos2 ke tp kt sini ade! akibat geram da peg byk kedai xjumpe aku amek smue ni!

yg halos = rm4, yg tebal organza = rm18, yg polka dot pink = rm9.90

lalu dicoba2 beginik (type sambil tgk cite indon)

aku xpndai ikat reben pon, blaja dari housemate pastu da xbley berenti. asek nk mengikat riben je. hihi! lepas ikat riben yg ke-100 br tau trick nak dapatkan ekor riben tu 2-2 mengadap depan. kalu tak 1 depan, 1 lagi mngadap blkg. phm ke? haha! cepat sape nk upah ikat riben? I'm so willing to do! currently, sgt obsess dgn ribbon ^_^

and this one, 250 down 750 to go!


Three posts in a day? Who cares? Huhu. Yes I've kinda booked my MUA! I've booked one last week (lova) but someone else quicker than me! This one need to do asap! Tomorrow will bank in the deposit! woot2! Oh, happy=) Alhamdulilah, one down more to go!

Lova did her make up. suke

tapi tak dpt, itsokay. Go with the one I've decided now.


Ok, i feel so damn gloomy. Sedih tibe2. Duk sorang2, ibu abah jaoh, dude bz dgn family die, tade kwn nk ajak kua. Oh, darn I feel sad. Aku ingt ok je tadi duk sorang2 kt umah arini, dude kol je aku da sebak. Haihh, cmne da kawen nanti? kene tinggal, jumpe wiken je. Da la wiken lain2. ahad dude keje aku kt umah tkebil2 sorang2. Duk sorang2 ni mcm2 plak pkir. I need friends as crazy as Ira, Pya, Nana dan yg lain2=(

Awak, tak bley la sehari xjumpe=(


Boring Sunday - __ -

camera case

I have a thing about polka dot ^_^

Sangat boring sampai buat benda2 mcmni. Huhu. Sape2 nak bg gifts ke ape, it would be nice if you would consider polka dot thingy. Hehe!! Ok, tomorrow is Monday! Everybody hates Monday (for almost the same reasons), but for me I only fear the tomorrow's Monday! Oh my, how to face it? Will tell more once it has settled. I'm so dead!

December 11, 2010

The Next Three Days

Will you do anything for your loved ones?
I admire John.
Go watch.